Part Three of Lord of the Rings said to be The Best Yet “To call it the grandest spectacle ever filmed is no exaggeration; it may also be the most satisfying third act of any film trilogy, completing what can now be regarded as possibly the best realized cinematic trilogy of all time.” See also “It’s really, really good.” It Is As It Was Says Pope After Seeing Gibson Film “The Passion” Pope John Paul II saw the movie the weekend before last, in the Vatican, apparently in his private rooms, on a television, with a DVD, and accompanied by his closest friend, Msgr. Stanislaw Dziwisz. ‘Gay Marriage’ Is Not Only Wrong; It’s Socially Destructive “many people think homosexuality is wrong but are embarrassed to say so. It’s not because of the “weakness of the argument” but rather the unceasing media campaign to portray anyone who disagrees with homosexual activism as a “bigot” or a “hater.” During the Vietnam War, liberals invoked the ghost of Joe McCarthy to silence anti-communist opinion. Today, sexual libertines are using stigma to strangle honest discussion about homosexuality.” Anti-American Cardinal Martino – There he goes again! Michael Novak writes, “The Italian newspaper Il Foglio ran a piece Dec. 16 about the frustration at the Vatican, at the secretariat of state, with the imprudent, irascible anti-Americanism of Cardinal Martino, an unfortunate recent appointment (late last year) to the Council for Justice and Peace, who has not ceased being an embarrassment to his superiors.” Stephen Harper to Run for Conservative Party Leader – January Launch
New Brunswick Premier Bernard Lord Set to Run for Conservative Party Leadership says Bourque
Pope Warns Bishops that Scandalous Behaviour by Priests Must Always be Corrected
Pro-Family Leader: Behavioural Change Necessary to Curb STD Epidemic
Human Clone Experiment Repeated Successfully
Canadian University Students Offered Free Trip to Australia for Sperm Donations
New Western Conservative Magazine Rises in Wake of Alberta Report
Federal Court rules Ohio Partial Birth Abortion Ban is Constitutional Islam on Road to Becoming Dominant Religion in England Sexually Active U.S. Teens Wish They Had Waited Longer