UNBORN CHILD KILLING LAW CHALLENGED The attorney for a woman charged with killing the 15-week-old unborn child carried by another woman will challenge a Pennsylvania law enabling a foetus to be considered a murder victim. Corinne Wilcott, 20, is charged with murder of an unborn child, aggravated assault of an unborn child and related charges in the death of the foetus whom Sheena Carson had been carrying. Prosecutors say Wilcott attacked Carson and threatened her unborn child during a fight on June 8 because Wilcott’s husband was the father. But Tim Lucas, Wilcott’s attorney, wants the law declared unconstitutional, saying, “There are conflicting statutes about what constitutes a human person.” https://www.observer-reporter.com/288750255005498.bsp MARRIED SCOUT LEADER CHARGED WITH MOLESTATION AND INDECENT EXPOSURE A Boy Scout leader has been charged with fondling at least three boys aged 10 to 12 and showing them gay pornographic photos, police said, as well as his own private parts. The Boy Scouts of America announced last month that they would require criminal background checks of new adult volunteers beginning next year. https://channels.netscape.com/ns/news/story.jsp?floc=FF-APO-1110&idq=/ff/story/0001%2F20021202%2F063732113.htm&sc=1110 HIV ON DRAMATIC RISE IN BRITAIN The number of Britons diagnosed with HIV has risen by a quarter over 2001, reports the Public Health Laboratory Service. About 1,500 homosexual men contract HIV each year in Britain, reports Kevin Fenton, head of the center’s HIV division, adding the number of annual diagnoses has almost doubled since the late 1990s. “We are not only diagnosing infections that were acquired many years ago. HIV is a current, not historical problem”— one that is not being alleviated by numerous costly “education” programs. https://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20021130/ap_wo_en_po/eu_gen_britain_aids_1 AUSTRALIAN ANGLICANS LATEST TO EMBRACE GAY MARRIAGE Melbourne Anglicans are being urged to read a “theological” book that discusses the merits of same-sex relationships and clergy. Roland Ashby, the director of communications for the diocese of Melbourne, calls it “the beginning of a discussion process”. https://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5478,5602482%255E2862,00.html HUNGARIAN ‘BLACK ANGEL’ NURSE GETS 9 YEARS FOR INJECTION DEATHS A Hungarian court has sentenced the nurse nicknamed the “Black Angel”, because of her black hair and customary black clothing, to nine years in jail after proving she killed at least three patients by lethal injection in a Budapest hospital in 2000 and 2001. The court banned Timea Faludi, 25, from ever working as a nurse again but she may appeal. Faludi once told police she had killed at least 40 people, but withdrew that testimony. (AFP, with files from Pro-Life E-News) BBC CARTOON SERIES MOCKS THE POPE, VATICAN A branch of the BBC is making “Popetown,” a cartoon series that mocks the Pope and the Catholic Church. Set in a Vatican office, the cartoon features a childish, whimsical and stupid pope voiced by female comedian Ruby Wax, and a crazy nun voiced by Mick Jagger’s ex-wife, Jerry Hall. BBC3 Controller Stuart Murphy was quoted saying, “I hope Ruby, being Jewish and female, may bring something to the role which the Church may have so far overlooked.” The BBC will spend the equivalent of $5 million on the series. An unnamed Catholic “spokesman” told Britain’s left-wing Mirror newspaper: “The church is big enough to have fun poked at itself.” https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/allnews/page.cfm?objectid=12391667&method=full&siteid=50143
UNBORN CHILD KILLING LAW CHALLENGED The attorney for a woman charged with killing the 15-week-old unborn child carried by another woman will challenge a Pennsylvania law enabling a foetus to be considered a murder victim. Corinne Wilcott, 20, is charged with murder of an unborn child, aggravated assault of an unborn child and related charges in the death of the foetus whom Sheena Carson had been carrying. Prosecutors say Wilcott attacked Carson and threatened her unborn child during a fight on June 8 because Wilcott’s husband was the father. But Tim Lucas, Wilcott’s attorney, wants the law declared unconstitutional, saying, […]