FUND ESTABLISHED FOR BISSONNETTE FAMILY Friends of Joe and France Bissonnette have established a special fund to assist them with the many extra expenses they are incurring during their daughter Angela’s battle with aplastic anemia. Joe and France are not yet aware of the fund. It is felt that this one wage earner family could certainly use extra help during this stressful period. France is currently pregnant with their 7th child. Contributions may be made via a cheque to Campaign Life Coalition and marked “Angela Bissonnette”. The address is 301-104 Bond St., Toronto, Ontario M5B 1X9.
UK LIFE CHAINS ATTRACT THOUSANDS The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children reports that thousands of people participated in pro-life chains organized by SPUC throughout England, Wales and Scotland on Saturday to mark the 34th anniversary of the day on which the British Abortion Act came into effect. Since April 27,1968 more than five and a half million unborn children have been aborted under the terms of the Act.
DANA RUNNING FOR IRISH PARLIAMENT Well known pro-lifer Dana Rosemary Scallon, the singer-turned Member of the European parliament, has announced her intention to run for Ireland’s national parliament. The election has been called for May 17.