ARCHBISHOP CALLS FOR END TO HALLOWEEN CELEBRATIONS Catholic World News reports that Archbishop Vincent Nichols is calling on Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Birmingham England to distance themselves from traditional Halloween celebrations at the end of the month. Instead he has advised them to celebrate the Christian eve of All Saints Day on November 1, “in order to counteract an increasing tendency for the popular mind to make the association between Halloween and secular, if not pagan imagery.”
BAND SINGS ABOUT MORNING-AFTER-PILL A music band has dedicated a new single to the abortifacient morning-after pill. Turin Brakes say their new single called 72 from the band’s LP, The Optimist , refers to the pill. “It’s about the 72 hours after the romantic interlude with somebody that you have to find the morning-after pill. We just thought it was kind of a funny, modern thing everyone we know in the whole world has been through at least once.”
WOMAN ACCUSED OF ASSISTING KOPP REFUSED BAIL The US Federal Appeals Court refused to release Loretta C. Marra on bail. The New York City woman is accused of helping Kopp elude police capture.
DOCTORS LINK BREAST CANCER AND ABORTION New York breast health specialist Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, urged the public to get behind promoting the fact that abortion increases breast cancer risk since doctors and researchers are reluctant to disseminate the information. Speaking at the 25th annual Archdiocesan Pro-Life Convention on Sunday she said 13 out of 15 U.S. studies show an increased risk of developing breast cancer in women who have had abortions.