
Researchers at Queen’s University say that they have found scientific evidence that a fetus can hear at 30 weeks, but that they haven’t detected a response when music was played before then.

“The governor of the home state of Mexico’s new president-elect – who also belongs to the same National Action Party (PAN) – on Tuesday vetoed a controversial law that would have banned abortion in cases of rape,” reports Catholic World News Service.

“A recent study found that the ritual of eating together can actually reduce the chance that their children will get involved in risky behavior,” reported Focus on the Family yesterday in an article emphasizing the importance of family time for healthy child development.

And a new poll conducted for the “nonpartisan and multicultural” Alliance For Marriage reveals that “preserving traditional family infrastructure is what matters to the majority of Americans, more so than cleaning the environment or creating new jobs.”

The Quebec government has committed itself to using taxpayer dollars to expand day-care services, even including a 24-hour day-care service for employees of the Montreal Casino.

“The practice of cloning can be overcome by using adult stem cells. These are found in great quantities in the umbilical cord and the placenta,” says Salvatore Mancuso, director of the Institute of Gynecology of the Catholic University of Rome, who is recommending the establishment of “placenta banks.” (ZENIT, August 29, 2000)

The Russian Orthodox Church has condemned abortion, as well as experimentation on human embryos and all human cloning. In a newly published document entitled The Church and the Nation, the ruling synod of the Church equates abortion with murder and rules out any attempt to clone humans for whatever purpose. (one-time registration required)

Just a day after Pope John Paul II told the international transplantation conference that cloning was wrong, Ian Willmut, a professor at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, the scientist who cloned Dolly the sheep, told the same audience yesterday that failing to use embryos left over from in vitro fertilization is an “immoral waste.”