
“Pro-choice researchers … have acknowledged that some women experience post-abortion syndrome,” the Elliot Institute excitedly reported yesterday. The admission comes in an article in the August issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry. 

America’s decision to clarify guidelines surrounding stem cell research has increased demands on the Canadian federal government to do the same. An article in today’s National Post says Canada may lose its embryo-cell researchers if we don’t. 

As promised, the British Foreign Office has drawn up draft legislation for an international criminal court that would allow Britain to ratify the 1998 international treaty.

Feminists for Life has launched a “Question Abortion” campaign in American colleges for the days leading up to the beginning of classes in September. “The ads address basic needs, including alternatives to abortion, … post-abortion trauma and the lack of campus resources for pregnant and parenting students,” reports Zenit news service.

“A baby boy unknowingly helped to keep his mother alive during her pregnancy as his tiny organs helped to clean her blood,” reports The (London) Times today. “While still in the womb, Owen Davies’s kidneys were working to clear the toxins from both his own and his mother’s blood.” 

The Indian government wants to slow population growth in the country, but it has apparently ruled out coercive measures. “Coercive methods do not achieve much in the long run,” federal health minister C.P. Thakur told the Parliament on Monday, rejecting the cruel demands from the population control lobby such as penalizing and denying government welfare schemes to families with more than two children.