The European Union is suggesting fines for nations that refuse to apply the Kyoto protocol’s “greenhouse gas” reduction measures. France suggested the creation of a World Environment Organization to ensure that member countries submit to ecological demands.
On June 21 the Italian Senate decided to amend the bill it is preparing on artificial insemination in order to recognize the rights of the unborn. Today, L’Osservatore Romano referred to the decision as a “change in the direction of truth and justice. “The Vatican’s semi-official newspaper expressed satisfaction over the decision, and stated that if the Senate is to be coherent, it should not open the possibility for authorization of heterologous insemination, where a third party outside the couple intervenes, because such insemination denies the child the right to know and live with his natural father.
The Argentine government approved a controversial health bill, that for the first time offers all women access to a gynecologist and free family planning advice to teenagers. The law has unleashed a fierce debate considering more than 90 percent of Argentina’s population is Catholic. Pro-lifers suggest the law paves the way for abortion. (AFP in Pro-Life E-News)