A petition to have Parliament withdraw Bill C-23, affirm the opposite-sex definition of marriage in legislation, and ensure that marriage is recognized as a unique institution is available from LifeSite on request. [email protected]
The Washington Times reported last week that French Parliamentarian Madame Christine Boutin has come to America to find support for her pro-life efforts. A very provocative woman in France’s permissive society, she recently sent 100,000 Frenchmen to the streets of Paris to fight against a bill allowing homosexual marriage. Also, she has founded a pro-life group that has already attracted 20,000 members. As though that wasn’t enough to shake up her countrymen, this grandmother of two is planning to run for president.
A study published in the Feb. 17 issue of the academic journal, Nature, contains new data bringing severe doubt to the theory that humans are responsible for global warming. By measuring the temperature of the earth at various depths, Henry N. Pollack of the University of Michigan and other researchers have been able to more accurately chart patterns in climate change farther back than the 19th century – heretofore the earliest date for reliable measurements of temperature. Global warming has been used as one of the excuses for international de-population policies and increasing energy prices.