
Pro-Life E-News reports that the ABC 20/20 special on the marketing of aborted baby parts has been postponed again to March 8 to coincide with the US federal hearings on the topic.

England’s Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) has distributed a quote from the Herald and Metro quoting the new Catholic archbishop of Westminster, Bishop Cormac Murphy-  O’Connor as saying abortion is “always an evil”, even in the case of rape-victims and pregnant 12-year-olds.

Russia saw its sharpest decline in population since 1992 last year, with the number of inhabitants falling by 784,500 or 0.5 per cent, according to official figures cited on Monday.  The figures show that Russia’s population has shrunk by 2.8 million, or almost two per cent,  in the past eight years. (Agence France Presse, February 21 2000)