The South China Morning Post reports that scientists in Hong Kong are complaining that a proposed law to disallow the intentional creation of human embryos for experimentation is “harsh” and would be a “set back”.
The National Post reports that Prime Minister Jean Chretien yesterday categorically rejected demands he name one of Alberta’s two elected senators-in-waiting to the Parliament’s upper chamber to fill the vacancy created this week by the resignation of Senator Ron Ghitter.
Catholic World News reported that the February 17 issue of the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano deplores the passive response to threats against life. The article talked about a “disconcerting failure to act” , “almost a type of unconscious resignation” – “an ever more culpable silence.”
The Spanish Bishop’s Conference concluded last week with a strong commitment to “work untiringly and using all licit means possible at our reach” to defend the transcendental right to life.
The Times Colonist reported Friday that a student vote at the University of Victoria in BC saw a nearly 50-50 vote with regard to funding an on-campus pro-life group just as pro-abortion groups are funded. However, the motion which was supported by 45% needed a two thirds majority to pass. (Pro-Life E-News)