
A new morning-after pill has been launched in Britain. Levonelle-2 costs five pounds,  contains progestogen only (no oestrogen) and requires women to take two rather than four pills. The Family Planning Association is pushing for the drug to be available over the counter from pharmacists. Pro-life groups counter that the pill will give rise to increased promiscuity.   

Sex education teaching for children should stress that “lifelong celibacy can be fulfilling”,  the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches said yesterday in a joint statement to the British Government. 

Police in Poland raided two doctors’ private offices and arrested them as they completed an abortion. Polish law requires the killing of unborn children to be done in a hospital and only after the situation meets certain criteria. 

The Catholic News Service reported yesterday that the Philippine bishops’ conference has launched an Internet service provider that bars access to porn sites on the Web. Click here for more info.