
The US Food and Drug Administration has shut down major gene therapy experiments at the University of Pennsylvania which involved researcher James Wilson, a prominent researchers in the field. The action follows the September death of a teenager and the subsequent investigation’s findings that Penn could not provide investigators with proof that any of the volunteers in the fatal study had been eligible to participate or had been adequately warned of the risks of the research. 

The National Abortion Rights Action League has released the latest edition of a report on the status of abortion in all 50 states. Some of the report is a pleasurable read for pro-lifers since NARAL complains that “research shows that, in 1999, more legislation restricting women reproductive freedom and choice was enacted than in any previous year.”

Australian euthanasiast Philip Nitschke is ready to set up his death clinics in Tasmania and claims to have four terminally ill patients lined up for killing, according to a Mercury report distributed by Pro-Life E-News.