WASHINGTON, D.C., July 11, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – On Wednesday, representatives from LifeSiteNews and the Personhood Alliance hand-delivered nearly 100,000 signatures to the American Library Association (ALA), against their promotion of the “Drag Queen Story Hour” (DQSH) phenomenon.
40,000+ signatures came from the joint petition launched by LifeSite and the Personhood Alliance last month, while 56,000+ signatures came from a joint petition on the same topic which was launched by The Activist Mommy and CitizenGO.
Scott Schittl, Campaigns Coordinator with LifeSiteNews and Gualberto Garcia Jones, President of the Personhood Alliance, met with the Senior Director of Public Policy & Government Relations Dr. Alan Inouye at the ALA’s headquarters in the nation’s capital.
During the meeting, Schittl and Garcia Jones focused on four main issues:
- That DQSH is highly inappropriate for children who cannot consent to its sexualized content at such a young age, regardless of whether their parents accompany them. And, exposing young children to sexual material beyond their maturity is tantamount to child abuse.
- That DQSH is highly offensive to Christian communities, and will discourage library use in many communities – at a time when libraries should be encouraging literacy!
- That DQSH is dangerous because it exposes children to potential predators, as it is well-known that registered sex-offenders have already been caught “performing” in front of young children.
- That DQSH is a highly political issue with which libraries should not be involved, especially as they are in receipt of public funding. Libraries should be neutral zones, where one ideology is not preferred over another.
Schittl and Garcia Jones also delivered the message that we would be pursuing this issue – on grounds of child welfare – at both the state and federal level, and that we will be seeking to have Congress and state legislatures look at the issue, with a view to banning DQSHs (and other sexualized agenda topics) from libraries and classrooms.
Inouye said that he would pass along the petitioners’ concerns and help arrange further meetings.
Speaking about the delivery and the petition, LifeSiteNews’ Schittl said: “We are really enthusiastic about the fact that this petition struck such a chord with our readers. We want to thank everyone for signing this petition, and we want you to know that, where DQSH is concerned, this is only the first phase of our campaign.”
“We are committed to ensuring that this perverted practice is stopped. The psychological, spiritual, moral, and physical well-being of America’s children is at stake.”
If you have already signed the petition, but haven’t yet shared it with your friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues, please take a moment to cut and paste THIS LINK into an email asking them to sign it.
If, on the other hand, you haven’t yet had a chance to sign, please CLICK HERE and SIGN, today!
We will continue to ask people to sign and share this petition until libraries cease to hold these events.