Help Ukrainians survive the war: LifeFunder
CHEŁM, Poland (LifeSiteNews) — The Russian invasion of Ukraine last week sent shock waves throughout the world.
With many analysts assuming that an all-out war between two modern civilized European nations would be impossible, the recent aggression by Russia has sent experts, politicians, and ordinary citizens scrambling to understand the full truth and implications of an increasingly volatile situation which has already left thousands dead and triggered a massive refugee crisis.
Mainstream media sources, which have routinely misled the public on vital matters ranging from election integrity and border security to the COVID-19 pandemic, have now launched into overdrive to cover the Russia-Ukraine conflict which many fear could boil over into a far larger and much more dangerous war.
As saber-rattling from politicians and media figures appear to edge the U.S. and NATO allies closer to the brink of global kinetic conflict, LifeSiteNews has sent two of its team members to the Ukraine border to ascertain and report the truth about the on-going crisis.
LifeSite’s Tim Jackson and Michael Hogan are now on the ground, providing accurate, up-to-date reports on what is happening in Eastern Europe as thousands of women and children pour over the Ukraine border into Poland seeking refuge.
“There’s been a huge effort on the part of [the] Polish people,” LifeSite’s Tim Jackson said in a March 2 video, reporting from a train station in the Polish town of Chelm which borders Ukraine to the west.
“Some 500,000 refugees have now crossed to Poland from the Ukraine, and thousands more into Slovakia and Hungary,” Jackson said.
Refugees fleeing Ukraine have almost exclusively been women and children.
Under the state of martial law declared by the Ukrainian government in response to the Russian invasion, Ukrainian men have been ordered to stay behind and fight.
Jackson said refugees entering Poland have often “been through Hell, not only leaving their home but often leaving their husbands, leaving their fathers, who are now being conscripted to fight.”
“Poland has really responded to this need,” he said, pointing out the boxes of food, medical supplies, diapers, and other essential supplies awaiting Ukrainian asylum-seekers. “Please God, these people might find some peace and solace here, whilst this terrible war hopefully comes to an end soon.”
Jackson reported that train rides into Poland have often been grueling for refugees, since many stretches of train tracks have been bombed, prolonging the dangerous journey out of the war-torn country.
Other refugees have been forced to cross to the border on foot, enduring freezing temperatures and extremely long lines.
Video footage captured by the LifeSite team shows Ukrainian refugees, mostly women and young children, disembarking from a train as they attain safety in Poland, a scene LifeSite’s on-the-ground reporter described as “bittersweet.”
Once off the train, refugees enter the train station where they are processed by military, police, and volunteers.
After providing their information, Ukrainian asylum-seekers are allowed to enter Poland to stay with family members or in other accommodation throughout the nation.
“They’ve found safety, but they’ve also had to leave their lives and many of their family members behind,” Jackson said. “It’s an emotional time for the people arriving.”
The Russia-Ukraine crisis has already caused extreme suffering and destruction. At least 2,000 Ukrainian civilians are estimated to have been killed in the conflict, while hundreds of thousands are fleeing the country seeking refuge.
Religious leaders around the world have beseeched believers to pray for peace in the region, and Ukrainian Catholic bishops have implored Pope Francis to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
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