
Monday April 19, 2010

LifeSiteNews Awarded 2010 National Award by REAL Women of Canada

NORTH BAY, ON, April 16, 2010 ( – On Saturday, April 17, 2010 at their annual national conference, REAL Women of Canada announced LSN as the recipient of their 2010 National Award.

REAL Women National President Cecilia Forsyth explained that the award signifies that the recipient individual or organization has made an exemplary contribution to society. Nominees are expected to demonstrate “honesty, integrity and responsibility; respect for the traditional family unit in society; support for the basic right to life of all human beings; and Judaeo-Christian values.”

Forsyth presented the award to LSN Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief John-Henry Westen, who attended the conference with his wife Dianne.

Westen received the award on behalf of Co-founder Steve Jalsevac and LSN’s team of writers, editors, marketers, fundraisers and technical staff.

He noted that the recognition would be of particular benefit to many of the young people associated with the organization, coming as it does after a year in which LSN and its staff have received some fairly harsh criticism, sometimes even from individuals and organizations who are supposed to be on side.

LifeSiteNews, he pointed out, has been recently labeled as being part of “the far right wing fringe element of North American society.” That comment was made in a document by the Canadian bishops’ official international development arm, Development and Peace, in response to the controversy over their funding of numerous pro-abortion groups around the world. The reference to the comment was met with applause from the conference attendees.