Subscribers to’s daily e-mail will have noticed that they did not receive our daily e-mail for the past two days. The problem originates with Mailchimp, the e-mail marketing company that we use to send out our daily e-mails.
On Wednesday afternoon we received a notice from Mailchimp that they had suspended our account. At first no explanation was given; however, after further inquiries, we were told 24 hours later that Mailchimp had determined that there were “spam trap” e-mails in our subscriber list, which we were instructed to delete.
We promptly followed the instructions given by Mailchimp. However, our account still remains suspended as we await the completion of the review.
The account suspension appears to relate to a number of bizarre and inexplicable occurrences that have happened in the past week – including people receiving our daily e-mail who should not have, and to whom we did not send it, and subscribers receiving multiple copies of our e-mails, even though we sent only one.
On their website, Mailchimp explains that they respond to most inquiries within 2 hours, between normal 9-5 business hours. However, two days after our account was suspended, the problems have still not been resolved.
At the moment we are continuing to try to work with Mailchimp, while exploring alternative e-mail companies that do not suffer from similar poor customer service.