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WASHINGTON, D.C., March 2, 2015 ( — is proud to announce the launch of a brand new set of websites,, that will cover current events on life and family in Latin America in Spanish and Portuguese. will seek to not merely be a passive observer, but to play an active role in the education and empowerment of those who are not quite ready to give in to the culture of death.  

For the last five centuries, Latin America has been a devoutly Christian region of the world, not a perfect one by any means, but one which had an ample reservoir or faith with which to battle the vicissitudes of developing nations.

Increasingly however, secular humanist ideologues have set their sights on stripping Latin America of its Christian identity.

Much of the news coming out of Latin America is truly worrying: the legalization of abortion in Uruguay and attempts to do so in Chile, the legalization of homosexual “marriage” in Argentina and parts of Mexico, the violent attacks upon the Catholic Church, and the list goes on. 

Nevertheless, where there is evil there are also the heroic stories of sacrifice and valour of those who choose to stand in the way of the forces of darkness.

There are recent stories of women like that of Bernardita Vial de Bärthold, a Chilean mother who stood up to Chile’s radical feminist president and shared the story of how she embraced the life of her deeply disabled son.  Or the story of Lianna Rebolledo, who survived a violent gang rape, and valiantly accepted motherhood as a twelve year old – and became her daughter’s best friend.

These stories must be shared, and NotiFam is proud to be able to do so through our state-of-the-art website and the contributions of journalists in Latin America.  Many of these stories will also be translated for our English readers to enjoy.

In addition, NotiFam will make available much of LifeSiteNews’ excellent existing coverage by translating the most important English-language stories into Spanish and Portuguese.

We hope that you will help us launch this important effort by sharing the website with your friends and family in Latin America via email and social media.