Tuesday May 18, 2004
LifeSiteNews.com Extra Special MUST READ Report on Population Control
Document reveals the why of attacks against life and family over past decades
Here is the link to the complete important document
THE INHERENT RACISM OF POPULATION CONTROL https://www.lifesitenews.com/waronfamily/Population_Control/Inherentracism.pdf
Updated Nov. 30, 2004
May 18, 2004 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The 58-page LifeSiteNews.com document to which this story refers is a MUST READ for all persons concerned about life, family and even freedom. For some, there is little that is new in the document but for the vast majority the all-important big picture it reveals is a critical, must-learn project. Without this understanding most will continue to fight against shadows, ignore real culprits and perhaps be too harsh towards opponents who do not realize they are being used.
How could all the negative social changes of recent decades have happened so fast? Why are they being allowed to happen? Why are our governments, courts, educational institutions, the media and even the United Nations so powerfully behind destructive policies against life, family, traditional religion and even certain freedoms?
In the late 1960’s and early 70’s abortion began to proliferate in western nations. It was accompanied by an explosion of divorce, contraceptive use, so-called ‘sexual liberation’ and a continuing decline of general morality, family life and respect for human life. The result has been a massive drop in birthrates worldwide and the now looming economic and social consequences of a demographic crash.
Soon after abortion was legalized in North America pro-life activists did not yet realize who and what they were actually fighting. They had no idea then, and sadly, most social conservatives still don’t, that abortion was only one part of much wider, international agendas supported by certain organizations and individuals with some common interests and ambitions.
Planned Parenthood has been the most influential of all and could in fact, as the document explains, be considered the world’s most influential organization.
The local abortion mill, elimination of the handicapped, advancement of euthanasia, easy divorce, billions of condoms to Africa (instead of medical and food supplies) and even forced acceptance of homosexuality have all served two main goals:
1. To massively decrease the world’s population (this has already started to happen – some nations are now experiencing net declining populations and many more nations with already consistently below replacement and still declining birthrates are well on the road to the same in the near future).
2. Through eugenics, to prune the human race of what are considered by some to be physically, mentally, socially and even economically ‘unfit’ persons. (this is also happening and accelerating)
It was initially almost impossible for the tiny number of pro-life leaders who first discovered this larger picture to convince peers and friendly politicians to take it seriously. Animosity or ridicule were commonly encountered. Now, however, the evidence has become so overwhelming and developments so far advanced, that an awakening is finally happening.
Besides, this is not about a conspiracy. Those who support depopulation and eugenics have openly spoken and written about their objectives, although they have relied on manipulation and deceit to advance those objectives.
To advance understanding of this, LifeSiteNews.com presents a well-researched document entitled, “The Inherent Racism of Population Control”. The racism referred to in the paper is about much more than skin color and exposes the wider ‘scientific racism’ of eugenicists.
The document takes the reader through the creation and application of the deeply flawed overpopulation theories of Thomas Malthus, through Darwin, eugenicist Francis Galton, racist Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, the United Nations and the involvement of the giant Rockefeller, Ford and other foundations and billionaires such as Warren Buffet and Ted Turner: all participants in what has been labeled “The Population Firm”.
Because of the length of the document it has been published in Acrobat format.
Finally, it has long been LifeSiteNews.com’s belief, in view of information such as is revealed in this document, that many persons who participate in abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality and even population control, are unwittingly being used and urged on by the population control/eugenics elites.
Ironically, many of those being used would easily be considered ‘unfit’ and eventually expendable by the published standards of the eugenicists. Conversely, genuine pro-life, pro-family individuals and organizations consider ALL persons to have inherent dignity as humans and do not consider anyone, regardless of their views or specific traits or circumstances, to be ‘unfit’or ‘inferior’.
Persons on both sides of the divide should take a closer look at what is really happening and where the real dangers lie for all of us. ______________________________________________________________________________________