
July 16, 2012 ( – Responding to a July 14 interview request from LSN reporter Matthew Hoffman, Maine homosexual and registered sex offender Adam Flanders made various threats against LifeSiteNews. Flanders demanded the removal of the July 12 LSN news report regarding his lawsuit against the Mass Resistance organization, threatened to pursue litigation against LSN and noted that he has contacted LSN’s web hosting company with the result, he claims, that LSN will be removed from their servers.

In addition to Mass Resistance and LifeSiteNews, Flanders has also issued threats to Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) for also covering the Adam Flanders/Mass Resistance controversy. 

LifeSiteNews has consulted a prominent litigation legal counsel who has advised that there is nothing in the July 12 LSN article, Pro-family leader “SLAPPed” with $1 million nuisance lawsuit from registered sex offender, that would be actionable under American defamation law.

LifeSiteNews rejects Adam Flanders charges and maintains its right to fairly report the news, whether the contents of a court filing or the arguments of litigants.

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Following is the text of the email exchange between Flanders and Matthew Hoffman:

From: Matthew Cullinan Hoffman (email address removed)
To: (email address removed)
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2012 1:52 PM
Subject: Interview request

Mr. Flanders:

I’m doing a story on the email you sent to Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) as well as your lawsuit and other matters related to your conflict with Mass Resistance and would like to set up an interview with you. Would you be available, and if so, when?


Matthew Hoffman

Asunto: Re: Interview request
Fecha: Sat, 14 Jul 2012 14:16:23 -0700 (PDT)
De: Adam Flanders (email address removed)
Responder a: Adam Flanders (email address removed)
Para: Matthew Cullinan Hoffman (email address removed)

I am NOT going to interview with you. You may consider this a CEASE AND DESIST notice to refrain from further publications about me. I demand that you remove the current publication about me. I will pursue litigation if you do not remove the offending material and/or continue to publish material about me. You are in violation of your web host’s Terms of Use and I have already been in touch with them concerning this matter and they are currently investigating your organization’s harassment and defamation. They indicated that your contract will likely be terminated and your website be removed in its entirety due to your violations.

Adam Flanders