
Sometimes it may seem that we at LifeSiteNews are simply cataloging the demise of all that is noble, sacred, lovable, and true in Western civilization.

But the truth is, not all our stories are so bleak. Far from it.


In fact, we deliberately strive every single day to bring to you stories that highlight that not all is lost, that there are tons of amazing people who are making a difference, helping in a thousand different ways to turn the tide in this desperate fight against the culture of death.

Take for instance the story of Tony Maas, CEO of JTM Food Group. He and his brothers deliver great-tasting prepackaged meals with a pro-life flair. On the rear panel of their semitrailers, they display a “prodigious image of a beautiful smiling baby with the words ‘Life, what a beautiful choice.’”

The reaction to this story was overwhelming:

  • “Nice to see the good guys once in a while. Thank you.”
  • “Just look at those trucks. Wow, that’s America and it makes me feel good.”
  • “A great post to read before going to bed. Awesome!”
  • This story literally went viral on social media overnight with thousands of people rejoicing in this message of hope.

    The truth is, we at LifeSiteNews want to bring our readers even more of these types of stories (We call them “Culture of Life” stories). The problem is that they often involve pretty intensive research and in-depth interviews, and we don’t have the manpower to follow up on even a fraction of the amazing news tips we receive!

    Please help us publish more of these kinds of stories!

    We at LifeSiteNews know that there are a lot of terrible things happening in the world against life and family, and that it’s our job to report them. But we don’t report these for their own sake, but so that people will be armed with the knowledge needed to take a stand and defend what is true and good.

    Our Culture of Life stories are written so that we will never lose sight of what is true and good in the midst of so much error and falsehood.

    Another example is our recent story of two babies who shared one heart and who momentarily “brought heaven to earth” for their parents.

    Parents’ Luci and Chris Klare were in the presence of their precious daughters for only 46 minutes, but in that time, they discovered that their whole universe suddenly revolved around “treasuring the fragile gift of their tiny children.”

    Many in their situation might have made a much different ‘choice’ which would have resulted in a very different, very tragic ending to the story of these precious little girls.

    Here are some of the reactions to the story:

  • “This is one of the most amazing pro-life articles I’ve ever read. Just Beautiful.”
  • “This story deeply touched me, and as I type, the tears are pouring down my face. So beautiful in its love and faith.”
  • “Tears are all I can offer…tears of sadness that this special couple lost their precious girls, mingled with tears of joy that they gave life to their special children with one heart.”
  • As many LSN readers literally wept their way through the story, they learned from conjoined twins Hope and Grace about the beauty of each and every life, that no life is second-class, dispensable, or futile, and that if you have love, you have everything that matters.

    We at LifeSiteNews love and cherish the entire spectrum of human life, from young life in a mother’s womb to elderly life in a manner or hospital. That is why we bring you so many abortion related stories and so many euthanasia related stories.

    Ultimately, it’s our love for life that inspires us to bring you so many Culture of Life stories.

    When I write these stories, I keep in my heart the old Eastern adage: “It’s better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.”

    With each Culture of Life story LifeSiteNews publishes, we are lighting a bright beautiful candle that pierces the darkness and dispels the gloom.

    It is our hope that these stories will ignite the spirit of our readers and that they will not be afraid to let their own lights shine.

    But we cannot continue to light these candles without your financial gift today.

    Will you help us to dispel the darkness?

    Join us today with your financial gift that will help cast your light upon the earth.

    Pete Baklinski