(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland reminds us that all Christians are called to live the virtue of chastity.
Against those who say sins against chastity aren’t that big of a deal, Bishop Strickland said we should actually pay “more attention” to them. In doing so, we set ourselves on the path of living well.
“We’re in such a twisted time where people have forgotten that to live chastely is a path to a fulfilled life,” he said. “And when we ignore the virtue of chastity and we just go with our sexual urges, where does that get us? It gets us where we are now in too many ways, and too many in the Church are saying, ‘Oh, we don’t need to pay that much attention to those kinds of sins.’ I think we need to pay more attention to them.”
His Excellency emphasized that chastity is not just a virtue for celibates and unmarried laity. Husbands and wives also have a duty to live chastely.
“So many marriages are in trouble because of a lack of chastity in the marriage. You might say, ‘Oh, well, they’re married. They don’t have to worry about chastity.’ Absolutely, they do,” he said. “And one of the issues that is devastating to marriage is pornography. That is a terribly unchaste way for a man, probably most often a man, or a woman who is married to be engaging in and consuming pornography that is undermining their marriage and the chastity of their relationship.”
“A real godly man and a godly woman need to respect and treat their spouse’s body with greater respect because they’re married and treasure that ability that marriage brings about where the two become one. All of that is so sadly broken in our world. People don’t understand what marriage is. People don’t understand what chastity is. People don’t understand what it is to be a man or a woman,” he added.
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