
By Gudrun Schultz

Tom Wappel, MP  SCARBOROUGH, Ontario, March 27, 2007 ( – Liberal MP Tom Wappel, a strong pro-life supporter throughout his lengthy political career, announced his retirement from politics on Friday.

  Mr. Wappel held his Scarborough Southwest riding for six terms since being elected Nov. 21, 1988. At 57, Wappel said he didn’t feel the drive necessary to undertake a seventh political campaign.

“I just didn’t have the heart to go through another election campaign. You have to want it. I was just getting tired,” he told Scarborough’s The Mirror. “It’s difficult but it’s time.”

  Throughout Mr. Wappel’s political career he maintained a strong life and family supportive political position. Canada’s pro-life and pro-family groups have for years relied on his support as one of the few MPs to take an open, always consistent stand on their issues regardless of his party or party leaders’ positions.

Tom Wappel“Tom Wappel is a man of great integrity and deserves the appreciation of the constituents whom he served for so long and so well,” said Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) in a press statement. “He has been an outstanding and courageous champion of life throughout his career. He will be greatly missed by everyone who has had the privilege of working with him.”

  Mr. Wappel was a recipient of the Joseph P. Borowski Award in 1998. This award is given by Campaign Life Coalition to an MP in recognition of their integrity, courage and leadership in defending life and family in the public square.

“Tom Wappel was a most worthy recipient of this award,” said Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer of Campaign Life Coalition. “Throughout his career, he has provided both leadership and direction to a government very much in need of such clear thinking on the life issues that matter most to Canadians.”

  Mr. Wappel was an outspoken opponent of  same-sex “marriage” legislation, delivering a skillful rebuttal of pro-homosexual arguments during House of Commons debate on the issue in 2005 where he referred to same-sex marriage Bill C-38 as a “sham and a hoax on parliamentarians and Canadians.”

  Describing himself as a “social conservative” and “environmental liberal”, MP Wappel’s  views brought him into frequent conflict with his party—just this month Wappel was the only Liberal to defy Party Leader Stéphane Dion’s edict that all MPs vote against the renewal of an anti-terrorism law supported by the Conservative government.

  Following his retirement announcement, Mr. Wappel thanked the people of his riding for nearly two decades of support, saying, “It’s been fantastic.”

“It’s an honour and a privilege to serve Canadians and do what you can do to make your country better. I’m very grateful to the people of Scarborough Southwest,” he said. “It’s been a wonderful, wonderful ride.”

  Mr. Wappel will continue to serve as MP for his riding until the next election is called.

  See related LifeSiteNews coverage:

  Liberal MP Tom Wappel Defending Traditional Marriage in House of Commons

  Liberal MP Tom Wappel Smashes Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Arguments; Warns Polygamy Next

  Liberal MP Tom Wappel Action Items on Marriage and Hate Crimes

  Don’t Waste Your Time Thinking about ‘Civil Unions’ Says Prominent Defender of Marriage