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Compiled by Steve Jalsevac
What Happened to Global Warming? – BBC
This headline may come as a bit of a surprise, so too might the fact that the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998. But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures.
Fidel Castro Praises Obama on Climate Change
U.S. Media Ignoring About Face by Leading Global Warming Proponent
Imagine if the Pope suddenly announced that the Catholic Church had been wrong for centuries about prohibiting priests from marrying. Would that be considered big news? Of course.
And yet something like that has happened in the field of global warming in which a major scientist has announced that the world, in contrast to his previous belief, is actually cooling. So why was a speech last week by Prof. Mojib Latif of Germany's Leibniz Institute not given more prominence?
Yet last week in Geneva, at the UN's World Climate Conference—an annual gathering of the so-called “scientific consensus” on man-made climate change—Latif conceded the Earth has not warmed for nearly a decade and that we are likely entering “one or even two decades during which temperatures cool.”
NY Times Writer Worries That Mother Nature Not Cooperating With Global Warming Agenda
Think Globally, Cull Locally by Mark Steyn
The anti-western anti-human totalitarianism of the environmental movement grows ever more explicit.
Radical Environmentalism: Justifying a Chinese Style Population Control Tyranny – Wesley J. Smith
From the column “Fewer British Babies Would Mean a Fairer Planet:”
Contraception Seen Vital in Cimate Change Fight
Leo Bryant, a lead researcher on a World Health Organisation study on population growth and climate change, said the stigma attached to birth control in both developing and developed countries was hindering vital progress.
Bryant's study of climate change adaptation plans by governments in the world's 40 poorest countries showed that almost all of them link rapid population growth to environmental impact, but only six had proposed steps to tackle it.
Bryant's comments echo those by the head of Britain's science academy Martin Rees, who told Reuters this month that the stigma holding women back from getting access to birth control must be removed to reduce the impact of rising populations on climate change.
Radical Environmentalism: Pretext for Power and Money Grab by Would Be One World Governors – Wesley J. Smith
I used to think that people worried about one world government were more than a little paranoid. No more. Indeed, the global warming hysteria is being mounted, at least in part, as a pretext to impose the beginning of one world government – which would be rule by bureaucrats. Indeed, the head of the UN, the hopelessly radical Utopian Ban Ki-moon, has stated he wants the beginning of one world governance to be agreed upon at the Copenhagen Treaty
Radical Environmentalism: The Cure is More Deadly Than the Disease – Wesley J. Smith
We have gone mad. That is the only way to explain it. The UK passed a bill to cut the dreaded carbon dioxide emissions last year that is so draconian, it will cost far more than the benefits to be derived–and impoverish the country.
Nothing Will Deter Global Warming Ideology – Wesley J. Smith
The entire climate change agenda is as much about ideology and politics as it is about science. My fear is that in their zeal, they will not only destroy the economies of the developed world, but cause tremendous harm to the currently impoverished by stifling their development.
Radical Environmentalism Is Driving the World Nuts – Wesley J. Smith
Climate chief Lord Stern: Give up Meat to Save the Planet
Thomas Friedman's Global Warming Fears: Straight Out of a Disaster Movie
Arctic Ice Thickens: NYT Environment Writer Commits Global Warming 'Heresy' Again
United Nations Copenhagen Climate Conference – Financial Post
Its authors say transferring wealth is exactly what they aim to do. It proposes in plain language an arrangement that will see nations such as Canada guarantee to send billions of dollars every year for decades to the developing world as payment of a “climate debt” owed for our long history of emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
The Copenhagen treaty calls for the payment by rich countries of what can probably best be described as climate reparations.
These are some of the understandings proposed in the treaty's current working version: Industrialized countries should compensate developing nations for not just the cost of preventing and adapting to climate change, but for “lost opportunities, resources, lives, land and dignity” triggered by it; industrialized countries are to commit “at least 0.7%” of their annual GDP, above and beyond existing foreign aid commitments, to compensate the developing world for lost dignity and other distress (in Canada's case, roughly $10-billion a year, based on current GDP levels, on top of the $4-billion already spent on foreign aid); and that the money will be deliverable to the United Nations, which will be in charge of handing it all out.
If Ottawa signs on to Copenhagen, the size of our resource-based export economy means Canada may pay more dearly for the UN's latest climate-change arrangement than almost any other country on the planet.
Aldyen Donnelly, president of the Vancouver-based Greenhouse Emissions Management Consortium, an industry association aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions. If Canada does sign the treaty, she warns, we “will lose all control over our sovereignty and resource base in a matter of years.”
“Any elected leader who signed the climate treaty would be signing the death warrant of his nation's democracy,” Lord Monckton says.
Under the proposed treaty, developing countries—which would include such Canadian trade competitors as China, South Korea, India, Brazil and Mexico—are under far looser obligations to reduce emissions than wealthier nations like Canada
What is certain is that a Conservative minority government will face immense pressure from opposition parties, and environmental groups, to commit Canada to the Copenhagen treaty.
Catholic Leaders at UN Summit Urge Immediate Action on Climate Change
Bishop Alvaro Ramazzini of San Marcos, Guatemala, said the Catholic delegation was committed to encouraging fundamental policy changes by its presence at the meeting and by promoting the relationships among development, climate change, social justice and the suffering of poor people.
Cardinal Keith O'Brien of Edinburgh, Scotland called on heads of state to give the issue the highest political priority and to attend the meeting in Copenhagen to make sure a strong and equitable agreement is reached.
Hollywood follows 'fad' of global warming
An Australian author is tackling the U.S. government and Hollywood in his latest book.
Ian Plimer is the author of Heaven and Earth: Global Warming – The Missing Science. As the United States Senate gears up for a debate on cap and trade, Plimer contends that there has been no scientific debate on the issue, and that is what he hopes to generate with his book. Hollywood, he says, has been interested in promoting climate alarmism because of the sensationalism.
Earth Approaching Sunspot Records
Perry said there is a feeling from some in the scientific community the Earth may be entering into a grand minimum, which is an extended period with low numbers of sunspots that creates cooler temperatures. The year without a summer, which was 1816, was during a grand minimum in 1800 to 1830 when Europe became cooler, Perry said. Another grand minimum was in 1903 to 1913.
However, Perry said snow in Buenos Aires and southern Africa, the best ski season in Australia and a cooler Arctic region are some of the anecdotal evidence for a cooling period. So, Perry said, sunspots may have a far greater impact on weather than previously thought.
Why the world will never run out of energy – Oil, nuclear power remain abundantly available