
OTTAWA, May 12 (LSN) – Statistics from the Ottawa-Carleton Children’s Aid Society (CAS) show that two thirds of the child abuse accusations resulting from custody cases are false. After years of pleading by falsely accused parents who have lost any right to contact with their children, a parliamentary committee is finally studying the issue.  Liberal MP Roger Gallaway noted that the Ottawa-Carleton CAS received 1,500 complaints of child abuse,  900 of which were involving custody and access disputes. Two-thirds, or 600 of those complaints were found to be false, unfounded or unsubstantiated.  Recommendations from the committee to halt the abuse of the court system which has led to thousands of victimized parents (mostly fathers) may include:  – imposing financial penalties on those who make “blatantly false” accusations to the CAS – making changes to the Divorce Act to ensure fairness in custody and access cases – speeding up child-abuse investigations by the CAS