BRISBANE, Australia, June 8, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – An Australian art gallery is hosting an exhibit that includes an installation of a naked human-like male with huge claws suggestively embracing a young girl, both of them smiling while on top of a rumpled bed.
The exhibit, titled “Curious Affection,” is running at the Gallery of Modern Art in Brisbane until August. Its creator is Patricia Piccinini.
Piccinini said in a 2015 video interview that children are featured in her work “because it is easier for us to empathize with them.” She added: “I think children bring out the best in us in that we feel their vulnerability.”
“My work is actually about ideas. One of the main ideas in the work — actually it’s in all my work — is the changing definition for us of what we consider natural,” she said.
Australian pro-family leader Bernard Gaynor criticized the work for promoting “deviant practises.”
Gaynor said the pro-LGBT slogan “love is love” that overthrew male-female marriage in his country is now being used to champion more than homosexual “marriage.”
“As I’ve said in the past, it is a slogan that champions far more than homosexual ‘marriage.’ It is the calling card for every deviant practise that lurks in the shadows.”
Piccinini said that she was glad that the “Curious Affection” exhibit showed many kinds of “love.”
Included in the installation of the little smiling girl standing on the bed with the naked humanoid with claws is a large peacock, symbol of paradise. It stands on the bed’s headboard looking upon the couple.
In another installation, a clothed little boy cradles a naked elderly female who appears to be half human, half walrus.
Piccinini juxtaposes vulnerable children with naked creatures in many of her works. In her film “The Gathering,” a little girl lies asleep on the floor and is approached by an increasing number of furry animals. Suddenly one of the beasts rears up and pulls open her human female genitalia, apparently so that the sentient creatures living in her womb can also have a look.
Piccinini’s creations also show a fascination with nipples and adult sexual organs, which in her creatures appear in strange places. In one of her soft sculptures, a boy puts his finger in a creature’s genital-looking mouth.
The gallery did not respond to LifeSiteNews’ request for comment.
Part of Piccinini’s exhibit includes a “film program” which showcases films selected by the artist. One film selected includes The Shape of Water, which this year won the Academy Award winner for Best Picture.
Conservative commentator Jonathon Van Maren called the film “perverse” for mainstreaming “bestiality.”
“I know that it’s difficult to get shocked these days. But a human being and an animal? Having sex? In a film that won Best Picture? That’s okay now?” he said about the film.
“Our culture’s storytellers are, for the most part, beyond morally bankrupt. They are actively promoting every imaginable type of perverse behavior, and in an extraordinarily powerful way: By creating aesthetically beautiful films that highlight these behaviors as tender and romantic and compelling,” he added.
The mainstreaming of grooming children for sexual abuse appears to be on the rise. Last month Reliance Entertainment released Show Dogs. Critics said the film encouraged children to submit to pedophiles by promoting the message of not protesting — just thinking happy thoughts — if somebody fondled their genitals. The film was yanked from theaters after a surge of parental complaints.
Contact information for respectful communications:
Gallery of Modern Art
Stanley Place, South Brisbane
Queensland 4101, Australia
T: +61 (0)7 3840 7303
E: [email protected]
Online form to send complaints