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PHOENIX, Arizona, June 28, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — A popular charity for sick children has done an about-face after its CEO’s message about granting the wishes of only vaccinated kids was met with outrage.
The Make-A-Wish Foundation of America told the U.K.’s Daily Mail last night that it was still willing to fulfil the wishes of unvaccinated “Wish kids,” even when they involve air travel in the United States.
“We understand that there are many families whose children aren't eligible for the vaccine yet, and we also know that there are families who aren’t ready to get the vaccine,” the organization also told the British paper.
“We respect everyone’s freedom of choice. Make-A-Wish will not require anyone to get vaccinated to receive a wish,” the spokesperson continued.
“We will continue to grant wishes for all eligible children, including children who have not been vaccinated.”
This seemed to contradict a statement made Thursday by the president and CEO of the children’s charity. Richard Davies stated on video that all “Wish kids” and their siblings would have to be vaccinated in order to be granted a wish involving air travel within the United States and its territories or to go to a large gathering.
“I’m excited to share that the Make-A-Wish Foundation will resume granting air travel wishes within the United States and its territories, as well as granting wishes involving large gatherings, for vaccinated wish families, as soon as September 15 of 2021,” Davies said.
“All Wish participants, including your Wish kid and any siblings, will have to be two weeks past completion of either a one-dose or a two-dose vaccine,” he continued.
Davies’ “step forward” sparked rage among social media users, who accused Make-A-Wish of discriminating against unvaccinated children. Several pointed out that COVID-19 vaccinations are neither authorized nor advised for children under 12. Others noted that some children – particularly those undergoing chemotherapy, which significantly weakens the immune system – have medical conditions that make them ineligible for the experimental medicine.
Music video director Robby Starbuck offered to help families rejected by the charity.
“The Make a Wish Foundation is going to discriminate against unvaccinated dying kids,” Starbuck tweeted.
“Any families they won’t help, DM me and we’ll try to make your kid’s wish come true.”
“What about the kids who cannot be vaccinated due to medical conditions?” asked Summer Kloos.
“Like a lot of Make-a-Wish kids? Doesn’t that segregate against those innocent children?”
Yvonne S. Matthews was among those who said they would stop supporting the organization.
“@MakeAWish, you are all insane and should be ashamed. What a terrible and horrible decision to make on parents and children who are already suffering,” she tweeted.
“Our employer matches our donations, but we will no longer fund your organization.”
According to the Daily Mail, the Make-A-Wish Foundation spokesperson it consulted said that the angry comments on social media stem from a misinterpretation of its vaccination policy and asserted that “no child will be turned away.”
The charity’s origins lie in the 1980 wish of a seven-year-old cancer patient in Phoenix who wanted to become a police officer. His community rallied around to make his dream come true before he died. Subsequently, they formed the Make-A-Wish Foundation, which granted “its first official wish” to another cancer-stricken seven-year-old, this one who dreamed of being a firefighter.
In 2018, the Make-A-Wish foundation fulfilled the modest wish of a teenage pro-life activist, Jeremiah Thomas, who wanted to talk to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. Jeremiah, who would shortly afterward die of cancer, asked the governor to abolish abortion in the state of Texas. The boy was delighted when the governor said that the matter was “on the Republican party platform position.”
“So your wish is granted,” Abbott said.
On May 19, 2021, the governor signed Texas’s heartbeat bill, which forbids the abortion in Texas of any unborn baby with a discernible heartbeat, and the new law will come into effect on September 1.
LifeSiteNews reached out to the Make-A-Wish Foundation about its vaccination policies but has still not received a response.