TORONTO, Ontario, November 3, 2011 ( – An agency of Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) has called on the Ministry to make abortion a “core” service at hospitals, and to designate special sites for late-term abortions past 16 weeks gestation.
ECHO: Improving Women’s Health in Ontario (formerly Ontario Women’s Health Council) released the report dated May of this year titled “Recommendations to Improve Abortion Services in Ontario.” It provides recommendations to the health care industry on how to ensure “accessible, safe, appropriate, timely, and non-judgmental abortion services for Ontario women.”
A cross-provincial “Abortion Expert Panel” was specifically formed by the agency to develop the report.
In the report ECHO recommends that the MOHLTC work to bring abortion services to a level where they are “stable, sustainable, and a core service available in hospitals, specialty clinics and primary care settings.”
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The agency also urged the Ministry to “improve abortion care” in Ontario by designing an “integrated system” that ensured abortion as a “component of core hospital care” and by “designating sites across Ontario for abortions at 16 weeks’ gestation and over.”
The agency also recommended that the Ministry approve the use of mifepristone (in combination with misoprostol), as a “safe, effective method to terminate a pregnancy.”
The ECHO report concluded that Ontario women will “benefit” from access to “well trained, committed service providers that do this important work [providing abortion services] in a generally effective and safe manner.”
The report also noted that one “challenging” aspect of providing abortion services in Ontario is the “continuing societal tensions regarding the ethical basis of these services.”
LifeSiteNews (LSN) asked the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care what action it planed on pursing regarding ECHO’s report and recommendations.
David Jensen, a spokesperson for MOHLTC, reiterated to LSN that ECHO’s key recommendation for the Ministry was to “ensure access and quality care for women seeking early and later term abortion services in all areas of Ontario.”
“ECHO’s report provides new information on abortion services as it pertains to these issues. The ministry will take the time to review the findings and the recommendations with health care partners,” said Jensen.
Jeff Gunnarson from Campaign Life Coalition told LSN that having abortion listed as a “core service” in a hospital is a telling tale of Canada’s moral down spiral.
“We allow the killing of our pre-born children. Our country funds international pro-abortion groups (through IPPF). So I would say that Canada finds itself promoting and perpetuating evil and it can’t get worse than that.”
Pat Campbell, CEO
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