
WINNIPEG, May 9, 2002 ( – A newspaper columnist accused of defaming Prof. Henry Makow, a former English professor at the University of Manitoba and inventor of the game Scruples, testified on Tuesday that she used only one source for an article that gave the impression Makow was a wife beater who frightened his students.  Lyn Cockburn, a far-left Winnipeg Sun writer, claims her goal was to expose unprofessional and sexually inappropriate conduct. However, The Sun is using Prof. Makow’s opinions on homosexuality (which he is against) and the role of women in the home (which he supports) as evidence in the trial.  Seven students testified on Tuesday that the conduct accusations are false. Alleged tape recordings proved to be inaudible. The professor’s third wife, Alicia Makow, testified that she works as a freelance Web designer, and that her husband “treats me with respect. He goes out of his way to make me happy.”  At trial, Ms. Cockburn admitted she based her article on interviews with only one unnamed student, now revealed to be Avital Feuer, the daughter of Sun co-worker Ed Feuer.  LifeSite reported in May 2000 that after he was fired, Makow filed a complaint with the Manitoba Human Rights Commission alleging discrimination on the basis of his “anti-feminist” political beliefs, and his (heterosexual) sexual orientation.  For National Post coverage see:   To read some of Prof. Makow’s eccentric opinions see: and   For previous LifeSite coverage see: