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Stuart WorbyNorfolk Constabulary

UNITED KINGDOM (LifeSiteNews) — Forty-year-old Stuart Worby has been found guilty of feeding a woman abortion pills he procured online without her knowledge or consent to induce a miscarriage, highlighting yet another nefarious purpose enabled by “pro-choice” activists’ quest to deregulate chemical abortion.

Right to Life UK highlights Worby’s conviction in Norwich Crown Court, where the jury found that he crushed mifepristone in the 15-weeks-pregnant woman’s orange juice and then inserted misoprostol into her during a sexual encounter. The woman, whose identity is being withheld, testified that she is now in a new relationship, but the ordeal left her unable to conceive a child: “The only baby that I could have had was the one I lost.”

READ: Over 6,000 babies have been saved by abortion pill reversal: new data

Worby was given the pills by Neuza Cepeda, the girlfriend of co-defendant Wayne Finney, who maintained that he did nothing more than research the pills and was found not guilty. Cepeda was convicted of complicity in the crime.

Cepeda got the pills from the Gynae Centre, the fourth-largest abortion provider in the United Kingdom. She was able to get them via a telemedicine appointment, without any in-person consultation with a medical professional.

Worby has been sentenced to 12 years in prison and Cepeda to 22 months, albeit with a two-year suspended sentence.

“This is not an isolated incident and before at-home abortion schemes were made permanent, MPs warned that the scheme would likely be used to obtain pills that would be used by third parties to perform an abortion on a woman without her knowing,” Right to Life UK notes.

“We are calling for the Government to immediately end the ‘pills by post’ at-home abortion scheme,” declared the group’s spokesperson, Catherine Robinson. “Under this scheme one of the U.K.’s largest private abortion providers supplied pills that were later used by Stuart Worby to spike a woman’s drink and end the life of her unborn child at 15 weeks gestation.”

“We are calling for a full inquiry into The Gynae Centre, the abortion provider that supplied the abortion pills that Stuart Worby used,” she continued. “Had at-home abortions not been introduced, Stuart Worby would not have been able to obtain these pills from this abortion provider, and this tragic case would not have happened.”

A similar controversy is ongoing in the United States where, two years after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and restored the elected branches of government’s ability to decide abortion policy through the democratic process, 13 states ban most abortions, with lesser restrictions and regulations on the books in numerous others.

In response, Democrats and the abortion lobby have been working feverishly to reinforce abortion “access” through a variety of strategies. One of the most potent has been expanding the distribution of abortion pills into pro-life states, which a September report from American Life League explained effectively circumvents abortion bans in every pro-life state. 

Pro-lifers have long warned that enabling abortion pills to be taken without medical supervision increases their risk to pregnant women, but the U.K. case also highlights the ease with which online sale enables them to be procured by people who are not even the intended recipient, and used against unsuspecting women who do not want to abort their babies. 

Yet returning President Donald Trump says he will not enforce federal law prohibiting abortion pills from being dispensed by mail, continuing an unprecedented change first made by his predecessor Joe Biden. Trump reiterated that stance this weekend in an interview with NBC’s Kristen Welker, allowing that “things do change. But I don’t think it’s going to change at all” on this issue.

