WINNIPEG, Manitoba, June 8, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — The Premier of the Canadian province of Manitoba today officially launched an immunization card program for those who have “received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine,” allowing the vaccinated freedom over those who choose not to get the experimental shots. The announcement comes a month after a source within the Manitoba government warned LifeSiteNews about it.
Those who sign up for Manitoba’s “immunization card” will have to self-isolate for a two-week period neither after returning to the province nor if they are said to have been a close contact to a person with a confirmed case of coronavirus.
“Manitobans have told us that getting back to the things they love and miss is one of the biggest incentives to getting vaccinated. As a government, we are doing everything we can to bolster vaccine availability and accessibility, and equipping Manitobans with the information and support they need to make the right decision to protect themselves, their loved ones and their community,” said Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister about the new immunization card in a press release sent out today.
Those with the cards will also be allowed to visit family in hospitals or other health care facilities. The card will be available to people who currently have a Manitoba health card, which is the only provincial health care insurance program available.
People who want the card must visit a specific government website, and “once someone has successfully completed the online request, they will automatically receive access to a digital card” in the form of a QR code.
A physical card can be requested, and those who want either a digital or paper card must wait at least two weeks after having their second shot.
Pallister made the announcement about the immunization card a day after the province’s top doctor, Dr. Brent Roussin, said his government will be releasing a form of “digital vaccine card” proof for those in his province, although he has yet to determine what exactly it will be used for.
Roussin said the “vaccine card” will allow Manitobans to “prove their vaccine status.”
“There is a sort of a vaccine, digital vaccine card or identifier that’s in the works, so Manitobans are going to have the availability to prove their vaccine status,” Roussin told reporters yesterday. “How that’s utilized within Manitoba that’s something yet to be determined.”
Insider warned a month ago that immunization card program was imminent
A month ago, LifeSiteNews exclusively reported that the Manitoba government was looking into creating a type of COVID-19 vaccine record card enabled by QR code, after a source who works with the government provided details of such plans.
Roussin’s remarks on Tuesday and those of Pallister today confirm what the source — who works within Manitoba Shared Health’s IT department — told LifeSiteNews on the condition of anonymity in May.
Last weekend, the source explained he was certain the government of Manitoba was “planning to go live with the Vax Card service within the next 1-2 weeks.”
“Hopefully this service is extremely short lived, although it should never have been developed in the first place, but given how the past year has gone, I doubt it,” said the source.
Source suspects real purpose of “immunization card” is for travel
Today, the source said that he believes the main reason for such a card is for travel purposes.
“Regarding [Roussin’s remarks on Tuesday] of how it will be used in Manitoba, initially when I heard about this service my boss had mentioned it would be used for travelling,” the source said. “I have no concrete information to say if that’s true or not, or even if there are any plans already in place for how this will be used contrary to what Brent Roussin has stated but given how these ‘experts’ and ‘officials’ have been proven to be habitual liars and power-hungry fear mongers over the past year, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were actually already plans in place.”
Health Canada has authorized four COVID-19 injections for adults, all with connections to abortion. All of them have been associated with severe side effects such as blood clots, rashes, miscarriages, and even heart attacks in young healthy men.
Currently, no Canadian province has implemented any type of “vaccine passport.” However, most allow people to access their vaccine status online.
In May, as well, the province of Quebec began to send as “electronic proof” a vaccination confirmation in the form of a QR code to those who had received a COVID-19 jab.
At the federal level, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently said his government is “right now” working on “certificates of vaccination” for travel with its allies, saying they are to be “expected.”
Recently, the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office claimed that a “broad consensus” has been reached among the nation’s premiers working to create “a proof of vaccine credential” system for travel.
Thus far, conservative premiers in Alberta, Ontario, and Saskatchewan have not yet publicly spoken out in favor of or in full opposition to so-called “vaccine passports.”