WINNIPEG, May 13 (LSN) – Manitoba Family Services Minister Bonnie Mitchelson announced the provincial government will spend $370,000 over the next three years in an effort to reduce teen pregnancies. While pro-lifers in the province would welcome help to pregnant teens and would encourage programs aimed at helping them refrain from sex outside of marriage, they are concerned about the lack of specifics so far in the government’s plan. The minister has already said the programme will not encourage pregnant teens to consider placing their children for adoption. Further, one might infer from the ministry “fact sheet” on the plan that the government will be pushing contraception and abortion. Among other things, the government claims that access to contraception does not lead to increased sexual activity.
WINNIPEG, May 13 (LSN) – Manitoba Family Services Minister Bonnie Mitchelson announced the provincial government will spend $370,000 over the next three years in an effort to reduce teen pregnancies. While pro-lifers in the province would welcome help to pregnant teens and would encourage programs aimed at helping them refrain from sex outside of marriage, they are concerned about the lack of specifics so far in the government’s plan. The minister has already said the programme will not encourage pregnant teens to consider placing their children for adoption. Further, one might infer from the ministry “fact sheet” on the plan […]