December 14, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Marsh Supermarkets, a chain of produce markets and convenience stores with 72 locations in Indiana and Ohio, has committed to keep Cosmopolitan magazine out of the direct sight of its customers. The National Center on Sexual Exploitation commends the company for its new policy.
“Marsh Supermarkets has cleaned up its checkout lanes,” said Dawn Hawkins, Executive Director of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation. “Marsh executives have implemented a new policy removing Cosmopolitan magazine from their checkout lane magazine stands. Further, within the magazine section of Marsh Supermarkets, Cosmo has been placed behind other magazines that act as blinders so that children and adults alike will not be unintentionally exposed to this sexually toxic magazine. By doing this, Marsh Supermarkets has displayed exemplary corporate responsibility and commitment to the dignity and well-being of its customers.”
“What many people don’t realize is that Cosmopolitan is filled with explicit sexual material,” Hawkins continued. “While it may not have many nude pictures, this publication has steadily declined from a somewhat inspirational women’s magazine to a verbally pornographic ‘how-to’ sex guide. It routinely encourages and instructs its young readership to engage in group, risky, and violent sex, and to actively seek out pornography. No child, or adult for that matter, should be forced to view this material while shopping for groceries. It’s time for other supermarkets to adopt Marsh's Cosmo-free checkout.”
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Due to its glamorization of pornography and explicit sexual content Cosmopolitan is a member of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation's 2016 Dirty Dozen List. You can learn more here: https://endsexualexploitation.