
ANNAPOLIS, March 6, 2003 ( – As Maryland’s House of Delegates prepares to review legislation to tighten up the state parental notification law, pro-life Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele made a show of support for the annual March for Life Rally in front of the State House in Annapolis. The move was a public break from pro-choice Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., although both are Republicans.  Steele smiled, waved and gave a thumbs up to 300 pro-lifers attending a peaceful vigil. A spokesman for the governor played down Steele’s brief gesture of support. “This has been the lieutenant governor’s deeply held belief since day one,” the spokesman said. “The governor knew that prior to making his eventual pick, and appreciates the diversity of opinion within the administration.”  Steele, who is a Catholic and spent two years in seminary before switching to law school and getting married, also differs from the governor on capital punishment: Ehrlich favors it, Steele opposes it. Steele, 43, became the first black to be elected to high state office last year, and was seen as a shrewd choice to widen Gov. Ehrlich’s base in a state where the Democrats generally pull 90% of the black vote. Pro-lifers were reportedly “thrilled”  even with the brief moment that Steele showed up at the rally.  For local coverage:,0,3746897.story?coll=bal-local-headlines   For more on Steele’s background: