Monday January 21, 2008
Mere Coincidences by Olavo de Carvalho
By Dr. Olavo de Carvalho, Brazilian philosopher and columnist
Originally Published in the Diário do Comércio, December 31, 2007
Translated by Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, and reprinted with permission of the author
When it was revealed that the abortionist organization Catholics for a Free Choice (CFC) had an office in a building that was owned by the Catholic Church, next to the offices occupied by the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops (NCBB), they soon responded, as saintly as always, swearing that it was all an innocent coincidence of location.
When the same Catholics for a Free Choice promoted a conference regarding “the Bible and Homosexuality” in cooperation with the Coordination of the Post-Graduate Program in Religious Science of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, it was also a mere coincidence.
A mere coincidence, still, the fact that that Catholic university approved with praise the thesis of Yury Puello Orozco, a member of that organization, which blamed the Catholic Church for the dissemination of AIDS.
Coincidence, pure coincidence, that the Sacred Heart of Jesus Retreat House, a Catholic entity in São Paulo, hosted in its accomodations a seminar on “Masculinity and Religion”, and later another on “Gender, Religion, and the Media”, and finally one on “AIDS, Sexuality, and Religion,” all three promoted by Catholics for a Free Choice, and at least the last of them announced in the very newspaper of the Diocese of São Paulo.
And what malicious mind would see something more than a coincidence in the fact that the Dominican School of Theology, in São Paulo, promotes a commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Universal Declatation of Human Rights with the support and sponsorship of whom? Of Catholics for a Free Choice.
In the face of so many coincidences, it is the duty of the faithful to cry out, with devoted trust in the competence of the national episcopate: the NCBB has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with that abortionist organization. Any suggestion whatsoever that there might be pact of complicity between the two entities can only be made by evildoers, such as the author of this article.
In addition to that very same author, in two articles published in The Globe, it was shown that the so-called Catholics for a Free Choice is not in any sense a Catholic entity, that it is only so-named to deceive the faithful, that it is really a national branch of a satanic organization, created with the explicit purpose of fighting for the destruction of the Church. The president of the organization became somewhat flustered when confronted with the argument, but, with the flagrant dishonesty of her response, ended up confirming it completely.
The NCBB, it’s clear, would never associate with an entity dedicated to the destruction of the Church. Therefore, it was also by mere coincidence, and without any guilt on the part of the NCBB, that an interview with Dulce Xavier, spokeswoman for Catholics for a Free Choice, appeared in the official DVD of this year’s Fraternity Campaign. If Catholics buy a copy of the disc expecting to find the anti-abortion teaching that the Christian faith and successive papal decrees make obligatory for all the faithful, and finds himself, to the contrary, with a defense of abortion, he should not for one minute suspect the elevated intentions and the perfect orthodoxy of the NCBB.
Obedient to the hierarchy, more than the word of Jesus Christ and the traditions of the Church, he should try to find some tranquilizing explanation for the event. If one is found, let me know, because I haven’t found any.
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