Dear readers,
The entire LifeSiteNews family would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas!
We’ve had a custom here for the last decade or so of publishing Christmas reflections by our staff on Christmas Eve. We encourage you to read each of these often personal and always thoughtful pieces as you go about celebrating the birth of our Savior. Here's the full listing of this year's reflections:
No room at the inn — Kirsten Andersen
T.S. Eliot and Christmas’s dual message — Steve Weatherbe
What’s under our tree this Christmas – promise not to tell? — John-Henry Westen
Faith, family, and friends: that’s what I’m taking stock in this Christmas — Lisa Bourne
And a little child shall lead them…to their new home — Pete Baklinski
Embracing the noise of Christmas — Jenna Craine (my wife!)
An Exodus story — Thaddeus Baklinski
One really big, wonderful family — Steve Jalsevac
The reflections will be highlighted on our front page throughout our Christmas break, which we take every year between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. We’ll be back again with our regular publishing schedule on January 5.
God bless you all!