
MEXICO CITY, November 25, 2011 ( – Mexico’s current front-runner in the 2012 presidential elections says that he is “personally” pro-life and opposes legalization of abortion in most cases, but adds that he is against criminal penalties for abortion as well.

Enrique Peña Nieto, the former governor of the state of Mexico and current “pre-candidate” for the Mexican presidency, told interviewers yesterday that “I am in favor of life. I have stated that regarding the issue of abortion, my personal position is in favor of life.”


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The pre-candidate then began to offer qualifications, noting that he believes the killing of unborn children should be legal in “in cases of congenital deformity of the baby, when the life of the mother is at risk, or when it is the consequence of a rape.”

Although he added that he does not believe abortion should be a “mechanism” for family planning, and seemed to express opposition to government provision of abortion services, he was quick to add that “I am against the criminalization of abortion.”

Peña Nieto did not clarify if his opposition to criminalization was only applicable to mothers or if it was also applicable to the doctors who carry out the killings.

The interview was carried out on the “It’s time to opine” show on Mexico’s Foro TV. Peña Nieto was discussing his new book, “Mexico: The Great Hope” describing his vision of Mexico and proposed reforms.