Mexican Pro-Life Leader Confirms: Groups Funded by Development and Peace are Pro-Abortion
By Mathew Cullinan Hoffman
MEXICO CITY, March 17, 2009 ( – The Director of Mexico’s National Pro-Life Committee has confirmed to LifeSiteNews (LSN) that he is personally aware that at least three of the groups funded by the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP) in Mexico are pro-abortion (see LifeSiteNews coverage at
In a telephone interview, Jorge Serrano told LSN that he is aware that “The All Rights for Everyone Network is a abortion advocacy group, CENCOS [National Center for Social Communication] is also pro-abortion, and [the Center for] Human Rights Augustin Pro is also abortionist.”
Although some of the groups were once Catholic, they no longer are, Serrano said, adding that they have embraced Liberation Theology, which is a socialistic movement condemned by the Catholic Church.
Serrano also stated that “If the Catholic Church is financing those groups it is necessary to report it here to the Cardinal, give him this information, and ask the Cardinal to communicate with the bishops of Canada.” He said he would continue to investigate the case.
As LifeSiteNews has documented, the CCODP is funding at least five organizations in Mexico that support the legalization of abortion and/or making abortion available under existing law.
A recent article by the National Catholic Register has reported that the CCODP is also supporting a pro-abortion organization in Bolivia, in addition to the five groups in Mexico. (See:
See previous coverage:
Hundreds of Thousands in Canadian Lent Collection Money Funding Pro-Abortion Groups in Mexico
Catholic and International Pro-Life Groups Ask Canadian Bishops to Halt Funding to Latin American Pro-Abortion Groups