MEXICO CITY, July 19, 2011 ( – Mexico’s National Pro-Life Committee (Provida), the country’s largest and most prominent pro-life organization, has filed a complaint with the National Human Rights Commission regarding the mass murder of unborn children currently taking place in the nation’s Federal District. Currently abortion is legal, and financed, during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy in Mexico City.
The text of the complaint, which was filed on June 13 and subsequently obtained by LifeSiteNews, denounces the “systematic violation of the right to life of recently conceived persons with less than 12 weeks of life” committed by the government of Mexico City.
“From the 24th of April, 2007, to the 24th of June, 2011, the government of the Federal District has murdered 61,915 people in the wombs of their mothers,” the complaint states.
The National Pro-Life Committee bases its complaint on the right to life, which it says is protected in Mexico by various legally binding documents. Among them it lists article 29 of the Constitution of the United Mexican States, article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 1 of the American Declaration of the Rights and Obligations of Man, and article 4 of the American Convention on Human Rights, all of which expressly defend the “right to life.”
Despite the protection given to the “right to life” in Mexican law, the government of Mexico City has permitted and financed tens of thousands of abortions in its hospitals since legalizing the deadly procedure in 2007. In 2009, the nation’s Supreme Court had discarded the texts cited above in upholding the constitutionality of the law.
Provida President Rocío Galvez told LifeSiteNews that Raul Plascencia Villanueva, the current president of the National Human Rights Committee, “signed a document committing himself to defend life from the moment of conception” while campaigning for the post, and “for that reason we initiated the complaint, to see his response.” She added that “the complaint is well founded juridically.”