
By Gudrun Schultz

MEXICO CITY, September 6, 2006 ( – Felipe Calderon was officially declared president-elect in Mexico yesterday, after two months of wrangling and dispute over allegations of election fraud in an extremely tight vote.

In a unanimous decision by the Federal Electoral Tribunal, Mexico’s top electoral court, Calderon was granted the presidency with a margin of 0.56 percent, Associated Press reported yesterday. The ruling is final and cannot be appealed.

Calderon, with the ruling National Action Party, was considered a long-shot against opposition leader Manuel Lopez Obrador with the socialist Democratic Revolution Party.
  Calderon is known to be a devout Catholic and firmly supportive of pro-life social policies opposing abortion, homosexual activity and euthanasia.

The election split the country and triggered angry demonstrations by opponents to Calderon. Obrador responded to the court decision by refusing to recognize Calderon as president and declaring his intention of establishing a parallel government “in the streets”, the AP reported. Obrador supporters flung eggs and garbage at the courthouse after the final results were announced.

In his first public address as president-elect, Calderon called on all Mexicans to come together in unity for the sake of the country, saying, “Being Mexican is always more important than being a member of a political party,” reported USA Today.

See previous LifeSiteNews coverage:

Daily Mass Catholic Pro-Lifer Wins Mexico Presidential Elections over Abortion Supporter