
TRAVERSE CITY, MI, January 15, 2013, ( – A northern Michigan county has blocked a Planned Parenthood request for a $12,000 grant, with one commissioner saying the organization is “designed to kill babies.”

The Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioners refused to forward the grant request to the local band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indian tribes. Each year the tribes distribute a percentage of their earnings from their gambling operations to local government and non-profit entities. Under a longstanding arrangement, local government approves petitions for tribal fund disbursements.


Planned Parenthood said the grant would go toward abstinence-based sex education.

Commissioner Jason Gillman said the abortion giant's side industries only serve to “mask its evil intent.”

“The organization is designed to kill babies,” he said.

Although Planned Parenthood of West and Northern Michigan does not perform abortions, it provides women with “a referral list of health care providers in your area that offer abortion services.”

It is not clear how long PPWNM will maintain this policy, since the national office required that all affiliates must perform abortion at one or more of its offices.

The tribes instead sent their request through the Traverse City council for approval, rather than the county.

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Gillman has been at the cusp of Michigan politics in the past.

As a county councilman in 2011, the Tea Party activist encouraged Governor Rick Snyder to support right-to-work legislation. At the time, the council was skeptical, with Chairman Larry Inman saying, “The legislature and the governor have no interest in taking this up, so why are we even engaging in this discussion?”

Governor Snyder signed legislation making Michigan the 24th right-to-work state last December.