JACKSON, MS, January 28, 2013, (LifeSiteNews.com) – Mississippi's last abortion facility received notice on Friday that the state health department intends to revoke its license. If the clinic closes, that would make Mississippi the first state without a single abortion clinic.
Jackson Women's Health Organization could not comply with a state law requiring aboritonists to have admitting privileges at local hospitals, in the case of botched abortions.
However, it may remain open until the board completes its final hearings. The process could take a month.
“The first state in America is” about to be “abortion-free,” Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life announced at the beginning of the first-ever Nellie Gray 5K race in Washington, D.C.
Dr. Pat Castle of Life Runners told the assembled runners, who were raising money for crisis pregnancy centers, that the announcement should make them think of “Roger Bannister, when he broke the four-minute mile. Days, weeks, and months later, several other people” did the same, “because they believed they could do it.”
“The first state in America is abortion-free,” he said. “The other states are going to follow.”
“Be encouraged today,” he said,
The bulletin was welcome news to those who had specifically prayed about this facility.
“We are inching closer to victory in Mississippi,” said Rusty Lee Thomas of States of Refuge, which has actively picketed outside the clinic as part of its campaign to target states with only one abortion clinic. “Keep praying and trusting the Lord to shut down the last remaining abortion mill in Mississippi, never again to raise its ugly head to harm God's children in Jesus' name!”
Other states with only one abortion clinic are Arkansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming.
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Steve Castle of Life Runners saw the hand of Nellie Gray, the founder of the March for Life who passed away last year, in the announcement. “It was no coincidence that Fr. Pavone got that announcement at the beginning of the first-ever Nellie Gray run,” he said.