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SCOTLAND COUNTY, Missouri, May 2, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – A high school teacher in Missouri asked students to solve an extremely sexual word problem about promiscuity.

Todd Starnes at Fox News published an image of the assignment, which he says he recieved from an outraged parent of a Scotland County student.

“Prudence is thirty-four,” it begins. “She has had sex with twenty-one men and three women. After being celibate for three years, she meets Larry and a romance begins to develop.”

Thirty-seven-year-old Larry has “slept with three women, one of whom he married.” Prudence tells him she's slept with three men, but then “amends it, saying that one was just heavy petting.”

“Given Prudence's reflexive need for approval and Larry's clear idea of how things should be, what percentage of the time will Prudence be inhibited in bed with Larry, and consequently fake orgasm to ease his pride?” the word problem asks.

Starnes reported that the concerned mom “reached out to the principal at the high school in Scotland County” and was told “that this teacher was originally a college teacher and he sometimes has trouble differentiating between what is appropriate for a 15- or 16-year-old and a 19- or 20-year-old.”

“I reached out to the superintendent of schools and he seemed genuinely concerned about the assignment and promised to investigate,” Starnes wrote. “A few hours later, he returned my call and assured me the assignment was not part of any approved curriculum. He went on to tell me they took appropriate action with the teacher and promised this would never happen again. Ever.”

How would one even go about solving this problem? It seems that the answer would be based on students' opinions, not any mathematical formula. 

Some twitter users said this incident demonstrates why “we need a school voucher system” or “why you should not have your kids in public education.”