June 21, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A UK mom who stuffed her newborn daughter in a garbage bag and threw her down a 44 ft. long garbage chute has been sentenced to two and a half years in prison.
Iraqi-born Jaymin Abdulrahman was found guilty of inflicting grievous bodily harm. A more serious charge of attempted murder was dropped.
Abdulrahman claims that she was “tired and emotional” and “lost control of her thoughts” at the time of the incident. Her lawyer says she was suffering from post-natal psychosis.
Through an interpreter, the woman described what happened, saying: “I was extremely sad. I went to the living room, I put the baby in a rubbish bag and I threw her away.”
“After I had done so, I just couldn't believe what I had just done, and I couldn't understand why I did it. I was in shock,” she said. “I wasn't aware of what I was doing. If I thought that by doing so I would do some harm to the baby, I wouldn't have done it.”
The newborn reached speeds of roughly 30 miles per hour after Abdulrahman tried to dispose of her daughter last September 8, according to experts who recreated the event with a lifelike dummy.
Amazingly, the baby survived the fall, albeit with serious skull fractures and brain injuries.
Prosecutor Andrew Smith QC told the court that the baby will never full recover, and is beginning to show signs of a severe form of cerebral palsy.
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Abdulrahman initially told police her daughter had been kidnapped, but police say they found the mother's fingerprints on trash bags surrounding the child.
The baby was rushed to Birmingham Children's Hospital, where she has spent months in the intensive care unit.
The incident is the latest in a rash of mothers disposing of their babies by placing them in the trash or flushing them down a toilet. Just today there were two such incidents. In one case the body of a small baby was found in a solid waste tank in a waste treatment plant in Quebec. In another case the body of a newborn baby was discovered in a trashcan in California.
These incidents come just weeks after the world was transfixed by video footage of Chinese workers laboring to remove a baby from a sewage pipe after her single mother flushed her down a toilet, something police found was an accident. The baby girl has been released from the hospital in her grandparents' care.