By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
MADRID, December 14, 2007 ( – In the latest development in the widening abortion clinic scandal in Spain, authorities in Madrid have closed another abortion clinic for falsifying documents and for failing the government’s standards for sanitation.
And yet again, they have uncovered the grisly remains of fetuses thrown into the trash, in violation of sanitation regulations.
The clinic, Instituto CB Medical Ginemedex, is a subsidiary owned by “abortion magnate” Carlos Morin. Morin and several clinic personnel were arrested in a recent sting in the Barcelona area for faking diagnoses to justify abortions carried out up to the eighth month of gestation (see recent LifeSiteNews coverage at: Morin is now in being held without bail while he waits for his trial.
According to local media reports, the Community of Madrid Health Department reported “grave irregularities” that could cause “serious risks” to patient health in the CB Medical clinic, as well as two others. These included reports in which the identity of the doctor carrying out the abortion was falsified.
One doctor, whose initials “R.T.” were given instead of his full name to protect his identity, said that his signature had been forged on documents pertaining to abortions that he had never been involved in, according to ACI Prensa. In fact, R.T. said, he had never set foot in the clinic.
The three clinics were also disposing of fetuses in the trash, as well as confidential patient documents, both of which practices are illegal under Spanish law.
Such discoveries are unsurprising for American pro-lifers, who have been complaining to government authorities for years about similar conditions in abortion facilities in the Untied States, with virtually no success. However, Spanish authorities at the provincial level are showing a new willingness to enforce the laws governing abortionists in their own country, a nation with a strong pro-life tradition.
“Both in Madrid and in the rest of Spain, a legal fraud is being conducted in the general practice of abortion clinics, and the different administrations have looked the other way,” said a spokesman for the organization (“There Are Alternatives”) according to ACI Prensa. “Fortunately, based on the events that have happened recently in Barcelona it seems that they have been awakened somewhat from their lethargy to their political responsibilities, and we hope that this is only the beginning.”
In related news, the Spanish television network Intereconomia recently infiltrated another abortion clinic in Madrid that specialized in late term abortions, exposing illegal practices and, for the first time in history, showing a late-term abortion on national television (see story at
Previous coverage:
Spanish Pro-Life Activists Seek New Investigations of Abortionists Following Arrests
Late Term Abortionist Arrested by Spain’s Police