WASHINGTON, December 18, 2002 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Since LifeSite’s publication of the names of several Catholic universities which provide links to Planned Parenthood clinics which therefore encouraged their students to use the pro-abortion facilities, a few of the universities have removed the offensive materials from their websites.
Georgetown University has removed a website on “sexual health & safety” which had encouraged the use of sexual aids including “dental dams” and “latex gloves” for “safer sex”. Beyond linking to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, it also suggested the use of the abortifacient morning after pill in case of rape. However, a visit to the former web address now calls up a page saying: “File not found The web page you selected could not be found. It has probably been moved or deleted.” (LifeSite has archived the page as it existed prior to its removal for reference purposes) Santa Clara University, Boston College and John Carroll University in Cleveland have also removed links to Planned Parenthood offices from the university websites. And as LifeSite reported earlier, San Francisco University has temporarily removed and is reviewing the contents of a page on their site which directed student to Planned Parenthood. DePaul and Loyola universities in Chicago and Seattle University in Washington have not removed similar offensive materials from their websites. Finally, another Catholic University has been found linking to Planned Parenthood. Our Lady of the Lake University links to the pro-abortion organization in a list of links to San Antonio clinics. (See: https://www.ollusa.edu/studentlife/healthservices/Downloadable%20Files/SA%20Clinics.xls ) See related LifeSite coverage: SEVEN MORE ‘CATHOLIC’ UNIVERSITIES FOUND PROMOTING PLANNED PARENTHOOD https://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2002/dec/021209a.html CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY WEBSITE REMOVES ABORTION REFERRAL LINK AFTER LIFESITE STORY https://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2002/dec/02120601.html CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO PROVIDES ABORTION REFERRALS ON WEBSITE https://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2002/dec/02120503.html