
September 27, 2005 ( – The movie, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, is proving to be a sleeper hit with increasing numbers of reviews praising the surprising quality and depth of the production.

Emily Rose deals with the question of whether or not there is an evil presence in the world and a consequent battle between good and that evil that effects us all.

Advocates of the spreading abortion, euthanasia and sexual liberation culture of course totally reject a belief in evil as a separate reality. To them, good and bad, right and wrong, are merely decided by each person according to their circumstances and conscience. There is no other worldly factor influencing them, ever so subtly and deviously, to reject things such as moral absolutes, truth, or eternal, personal accountability.

To those defending the sacredness of human life and our Judeo/Christian beliefs andÂculture, the rapid, incomprehensible decline of our civilization in just a few decades makes many consider that there has to be more to this than mere human actions.Â recently published a story about the comments made by a New Orleans city council president, a bishop and a Catholic writer, each questioning whether there might have been more cause to the devastation of hurricane Katrina than just bad weather – a spiritual factor.

Numerous readers appreciated the story. A few vehemently objected to the fact that we would even report what those persons said. We supposeÂthey wereÂalso vehement about linking to our story and the hundreds of thousands of viewers who subsequently chose to read it. The criticsÂmade it plain that to them, there is no accountability and consequent sometimes direct intervention or witholding of protection from evil by God in the world. All is always only naturally explained and any other explanation is not to be tolerated.

LifeSiteNews published a movie review of The Exorcism of Emily Rose on Sept. 8. Today, however,Âwe received another commentary on the movie, with additonal perspective,Âfrom Luke Jalsevac, now a seminarian with the Companions of the Cross in Ottawa and a sometimes contributor to

  Luke writes, “this film was much more powerful than I thought it would be, but for reasons markedly different than I had expected.” He says he had no intention of seeing the movie and relates the surprising effect it had on him, some friends who saw it and on the audience in general.

  Today we present this second look at the The Exorcism of Emily Rose by Luke Jalsevac.

See today’s Special Report:
  Movie Commentary –The Exorcism of Emily Rose
