Mormons, Knights of Columbus Face Chilling Threats and More Vandalism for Prop. 8 Support
By Kathleen Gilbert
OLYMPIA, Washington, November 17, 2008 ( – Homosexualists are continuing to vent their rage against Mormons for supporting true marriage in California, and are issuing increasingly hostile threats to accompany a steady stream of vandalism.
“The Mormon church (just like most churches) is a cesspool of filth,” writes the anarchist homosexualist group Bash Back!, in a statement flaunting the vandalism of an Olympia Mormon stake center over the weekend. “It is a breeding ground for oppression of all sorts and needs to be confronted, attacked, subverted and destroyed.”
The group fumed over the Mormon Church’s “disgusting commercials” and “their despicable sermons,” saying, “The Church has to pay.”
“The Mormon church teaches us to hate our bodies, not to trust ourselves or our desires,” the statement continued. “This ends up deforming us as healthy sexual and communal beings. This is unacceptable.
“Let this be a warning to the Mormon church, dissolve completely or be destroyed. The choice is yours.”
According to the police report, vandals spray painted phrases such as “pro-gay” and “feel no shame in your love” as well as anarchy symbols on the doorposts and back wall of the building.
The Bash Back! statement acknowledged that the group committed the vandalism “because we are angry at the amount of money and propaganda that the Mormon church pumped into the homophobic Proposition 8 campaign.” Proposition 8 is the California amendment, passed by popular vote on Nov. 4, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman. Mormons were among many religious groups supporting the true marriage ballot measure, joining Catholics, Muslims, orthodox Jews, and evangelical Christians.
At least eight Mormon buildings in Salt Lake City, the religion’s headquarters, have also been vandalized with spray-painted epithets criticizing the church’s support of Proposition 8.
Envelopes containing white powder were sent to Mormon temples in both Los Angeles and Salt Lake City on Thursday, forcing the buildings to be evacuated before an FBI hazardous material crew determined that the powder was innocuous.
Anthrax mailed as white powder to lawmakers and media outlets killed five people in 2001 following the World Trade Center attacks, and since then there have been occasional reports of harmless lookalike powders mailed as a hoax.
A similar envelope, sent from California, arrived on the same day at a mailroom and printing plant at the Knights of Columbus headquarters in New Haven. Results on the powder’s identity have not been confirmed. The Knights of Columbus have also been targeted for supporting Proposition 8, having raised slightly over 1 million dollars for the “Yes on 8” campaign.
Homosexualist protesters are also boycotting and picketing business owners who supported the proposition, assisted by, where the names of individuals who contributed to Yes on 8 are publicized and subjected to boycotting and other pressures.
The LA Times reports that one restaurant, El Coyote, came under siege by hundreds of protesters because the owner’s daughter, Marjorie Christoffersen, had privately contributed $100 to Yes on 8. The rioting became so out of control at one point that the LA Police Department was forced to quell the disturbance in riot gear.
Christoffersen met with protesters and even broke down in tears, but the picketers were not satisfied, and continued their protest both in front of the store and online, where they deluged the restaurant with bad reviews.
“She had a chance to make nice and blew it. I was almost feeling a tiny bit of sympathy for her. Not no more!!” was one blogger’s response.
“No matter your opinion of Proposition 8, we should all agree that it is wrong to intimidate and harass churches, businesses and individuals for participating in the democratic process,” Ron Prentice, of, said in a statement.
“Amidst all this lawlessness, harassment, trampling of civil rights and now domestic terrorism, one thing stands out: the deafening silence of our elected officials,” said campaign co-manager Frank Schubert.
“Not a single elected leader has spoken out against what is happening. Where is Governor Arnold Schwarzenengger while churches are being attacked? And where is Senator Dianne Feinstein while people are losing their jobs and grandmothers are being bullied by an angry mob?”
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