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March 12, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Mother Miriam, Benedictine prioress and host of Mother Miriam Live!, highlighted the central importance of the family and blasted Democrats’ “diabolic” machinations in a recent conversation with LifeSiteNews.
The long-time nun and foundress of the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel’s Hope, spared no words in denouncing the Communist agenda of the left.
“I think Communism is encroaching on us. I think it’s here,” Mother Miriam said, characterizing Democrats’ current platform as being “more evil than Communism, actually.”
“It seems to me this is a much greater and deeper evil than Communism is, because Communism certainly sought to control the people and keep them under their thumb, and keep them poor … and take away religion,” she said.
“But I think what’s coming upon us now is much deeper and more demonic. They want not just to control. They want to destroy,” Mother Miriam continued. “They want to make us inhuman.”
She noted the gene editing function of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, which a medical ethicist criticized earlier this year for possible “short-term and long-term risks of altering [patients’] RNA and DNA.” Gene editing may get renewed government backing if the Biden administration’s pick for top science advisor, a notable proponent of gene therapy, is confirmed by the Senate.
The Democrats’ 2020 power grab also has led to an all-out war on pre-born life, the family, and biological reality. House Democrats already have passed the radical Equality Act, which would codify abortion “rights” and force Catholic schools to hire open transgenders, among other things. The White House intends to sign the legislation into law.
The Biden administration meanwhile has erased sex-based sport teams by fiat and revoked former President Donald Trump’s multi-billion-dollar abortion spending cuts and transgender troop ban. Top Democrats have vowed that American taxpayers will be forced to fund abortions and mutilating transgender surgeries, potentially for children as young as eight.
“They don’t want to have a society under their thumb,” Mother Miriam said. “I think they want to have a society that they can manipulate, and control, and make us subhuman, which is to destroy our humanity — not only spiritually but physically.”
“Time to restore God’s design for the family”
Hope nevertheless is far from lost, Mother Miriam said, stressing the central role of the family in building God’s kingdom. “The family is the key,” she said. “The restoration of the family is the key to break through this evil.”
“The family from Adam and Eve on is God’s number one instrument to build His kingdom, which is why, from the beginning, it has been the enemy’s number one target to destroy,” she explained.
“Everything we see going on in society: the breakup of marriage, so called ‘same-sex marriage,’ which doesn’t exist,” results from the devil’s hatred of the sanctity of marriage and family, Mother Miriam added. “They’re not interested in same-sex marriage,” she said of the radical left, “they’re interested in destroying the family.”
Mother Miriam called on all men to “take leadership of your family — not lordship but leadership,” in response. “Leadership mimics Our Lord who laid down his life for his Bride, the Church. Then you need to do that with your family,” she said. “You need to take up your armor. You need to lead the family in prayer. You need to teach them to not lead material lives.”
“Wives, you need to submit to your husbands. Never to sin, but to them, and let them be the leaders that God has made them, which they’ll never be unless you step aside and stop taking their role,” she continued.
“Parents have been given the number one vocation: to raise their children in the faith. And when they stand before God it will not be the church or the school, even so-called Catholic schools, that will be responsible for their children’s nurture and knowledge of the faith. It is the parents.”
“Parents, don’t stop parenting. Don’t let your children walk out on the street half-naked. Our Lady said that many people will go to hell because of sins of the flesh and because of immodest dress,” she said. “I long to help mothers teach their children, especially their daughters, how to dress modestly but the fact is mothers have instead begun to dress as their daughters. It’s just heartbreaking.”
“We must not be afraid. This is the time to gather our families to restore God’s design for the family, for fathers to become the heads of the home, for mothers to become the heart of the home, for authority and love to be restored to the home, for children to obey parents,” Mother Miriam said.
“If we feel defeated as a family, whether you’re locked down, no matter what it is, you give in to the enemy. Trust God, that he has allowed you to be a part of this evil,” she added. “As long as we have food and we can breathe, we can do it.”
COVID orders and the “tragedy” of abortion-tainted vaccines
“We’re being controlled by fear,” Mother Miriam warned. “And overnight, the shock is that we as a people have given into this diabolical scheme.”
“That’s how they control us, through fear. We cannot let it happen,” she urged. “We don’t buy into the lies. We don’t buy into the Great Reset. We don’t buy into the diabolical, totalitarian orders of wearing masks, social-distance, all of that.”
It’s time “for Christians to obey orders of the government that are right and are equal to our Constitution and Declaration of Independence, not to obey evil orders,” she said.
“I know that we stand to get arrested in some parts, but we’re buying into it, and we see all the lies about COVID. We see that more babies have been aborted last year than people that died from COVID. It’s just a complete lie,” Mother Miriam continued.
She mentioned that people have been effectively cured from COVID-19 with hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, as detailed in peer-reviewed studies and first-hand accounts of physicians. “It doesn’t mean there’s no COVID, but there’s so many lies about it to put us in fear and to control us,” Mother Miriam said.
“It’s a great tragedy that many of our bishops have said that it’s an act of charity to take the COVID vaccine,” she added. “But it’s no act of charity for a baby to be murdered in order that I might live,” she said, highlighting that all major COVID-19 vaccines in use in the U.S. were either manufactured or tested with aborted babies’ cells.
“And the idea of ‘remote participation,’ meaning that these baby cells were taken from aborted babies years ago, makes no difference. No difference whatsoever. We are still responsible. A baby needed to die that I must live and not spread a disease. What kind of logic is that?” Mother Miriam asked.
“And bishops say that you’ve not been a part of manufacturing the vaccine — in other words, if aborted baby cells are being used, you aren’t a part of that, so you’re not responsible. Oh yes, you are,” she said.
While the U.S. Catholic bishops and the Vatican have stated that abortion-tainted COVID-19 vaccines can be taken licitly by Catholics, a group of prelates, including Bishop Athanasius Schneider, has pushed back on those assessments. The teachings “are not infallible decisions of the Magisterium,” Schneider pointed out.
A message for priests
“You know, when I came into the Church, it was 1995, after a five-year search. I found three generations lost to the faith,” Mother Miriam lamented. “I grieve for the priests who have given in to evil bishops that have gone down the wrong track, I grieve for bishops.”
“With all my heart I want priests to be priests. They are Christ on earth. Whether they have lost their faith or they’re afraid even to speak out against error, or they have bought into heresy … I can only from my heart beg them to return to their vocation,” she said. “My dear fathers, be who you are, be Christ in the world, and don’t be afraid, we desperately need you to be the shepherd of the sheep.”
“There are many who are speaking out and are good priests. And as we know, they [are] censored by the bishops or [have their] faculties taken away,” she said. In recent years, courageous priests have been reprimanded for such offenses as protecting the Eucharist from people in homosexual sin and forcefully denouncing the Democratic Party. “It’s diabolic,” Mother Miriam said.
“We need to pray for God’s Will, we need to pray for Truth to overcome evil,” she stressed.
Mother Miriam noted that Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s family in Soviet-ruled Kazakhstan “for months couldn’t go out of their homes. They didn’t have a priest, they didn’t have the sacraments, and look at the bishop that this communist environment turned out, because he was taught the faith at home.”
“That may be what God has allowed today, in order to restore the family and truly get back to the faith, the only thing that no evil society could ever take from us,” she said.
“If you give up hope, you have given in to the devil’s scheme. That is his plot. Give up hope, because when we give up hope, we turn from God,” Mother Miriam continued. “As long as there is hope, as long as we believe there is a God, there is hope. He’s allowed this. We need to fight it as much as we can.”
You can support Mother Miriam and her sisters as they build their new home in Belloit, Kansas through LifeFunder here.