By Thaddeus M. Baklinski
NEW YORK, December 11, 2007 ( – University of Florida quarterback Tim Tebow won U.S. college football’s highest honour yesterday. If his mother had followed her doctor’s advice when she was carrying him, he would be just another abortion statistic.
Tim’s parents, Bob and Pam Tebow, moved to the Philippines in 1985 to conduct a Christian missionary outreach. While pregnant with Tim, Pam contracted amoebic dysentery through contaminated drinking water. Her doctor told her that the medications she needed to recover would result in irreversible damage to the child she was carrying. She was advised to have an abortion.
She refused.
Tim was born healthy and robust in 1987. His mother described him as “skinny, but rather long.” Today he stands six-foot-three, weighs 235 pounds, and has been described as a physical and athletic phenomenon.
Tim was fortunate to be born into a family that has strong roots in their faith and a deep understanding of the precious gift that each life is not only to them, but also to the world.
The untold numbers of children saved from abortion, or even surviving abortion, that have brought their talents, skills and contribution to the world, like Tim Tebow, are a resounding testament to pro-life work.
In his acceptance speech Tim said, “I just (want) to first start off by thanking my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave me the ability to play football, gave me a great family and support group and great coaches and everything around me.”