By Gudrun Schultz
BEVERLY HILLS, California, October 4, 2006 ( – Ms. Magazine, published by the Feminist Majority Foundation, has responded to the increasingly public expression of pain and disillusionment from women who have undergone abortions with the collection and publication of the signatures of women who say they do not regret aborting their child.
Due to be released October 10, the cover story on the upcoming issue of Ms. is titled “We Had Abortions,” the Associated Press reported, accompanied with a list of the names of over 5,000 women who signed an online petition announcing their past abortions and their continuing support for abortion access.
The magazine’s attempt to swell abortion support attempts to counter a growing movement among women who regret their abortions, witnessing to the devastating effect of their decision to end the life of their unborn child through the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, Christian Newswire reported yesterday.
The Silent No More Awareness Campaign is a joint project of the National Organization of Episcopalians for Life (NOEL) and Priests for Life. It works to raise awareness of the damage done to women’s lives and the lives of their families by abortion, and to educate women on the available resources for healing post-abortion trauma.
“Hearing woman after woman speak about the problems created by abortion really puts this issue in perspective. Despite the sadness of each woman’s story we are also able to share the help we’ve found to deal with the pain, which gives those still hurting hope,” said Georgette Forney, national director of NOEL and co-founder of the Campaign.
“We want to help women who are hurting from abortion find peace and healing. This campaign will let them know they’re not alone,” Janet Morana, associate director of Priests for Life and Co-Founder of the Campaign, told Christian Newswire.
Ms. Magazine’s petition drive mimics a pro-abortion manifesto published in the magazine’s debut issue in 1972, when 53 women, many well known, declared they had undergone illegal abortions.
It remains to be seen whether the campaign of women declaring they do not regret their abortion will be able to counter the very emotional testimonies of often devastating, years long personal suffering of the growing ranks of Silent No More participants.
See related story
Powerful Silent No More Awareness Campaign Exposes Abortion’s Harsh Personal Aftermath
Post-abortive women and men proclaim, “I Regret My Abortion,”“I Regret Lost Fatherhood”